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What is WealthSpring's Mission?WealthSpring strives to develop sustainable value by influencing and integrating extraordinary ideas, innovations, and transactions through its pursuit of ventures it deems best suited to producing profitable results and improving the human experience.
What does WealthSpring's logo represent?The WealthSpring logo was commissioned to include three symbolic elements into its design: (1) Its hexagon shape is found in nature’s most enduring structures, representing WealthSpring’s commitment to developing ventures designed to achieve greater levels of strength, integrity, and performance. (2) The logo’s color represents rubies because when skillfully cut by master craftsmen, they are among the world’s most precious gems. This represents WealthSpring’s commitment to managing its endeavors as "craftsmen" focused on honing and employing strategies and best practices to ensure greater levels of valuation. (3) Finally, the logo’s gem-like, "faceted and stylized W" represents WealthSpring’s desire to skillfully manage the many facets of each venture so they can produce successful, profitable outcomes.
Why was WealthSpring Capital, LLC (WSC) formed?"WealthSpring Capital, LLC (WSC) was formed through the culmination decades of foundational work to find, engage, and nurture key strategic relationships. WSC was established as a Commodity Pool Operator (CPO) in 2020 along with its funds to best serve its portfolio of subscribers, both domestically in the US and internationally which include: - WealthSpring Capital, LLC (Delaware) - WealthSpring Master Fund, Ltd. (BVI Private Fund), - WS-GlobalEx Fund, LLC (Delaware LLC), - WS-GlobalEx Offshore Fund, Ltd. (BVI Professional Fund).
Why did WSC choose to operate within the FOREX?Given the robust nature of FOREX and its trillions of dollars in daily trading activity, FOREX provides an unparalleled opportunity to produce sustainable, long-term gains and liquidity to its subscribers and stakeholders.
What is the strategic thesis underlying the WS GlobalEx family of funds?The WS GlobalEx family of funds are quantitative hedge fund structures, meaning that they rely solely upon algorithmic or systematic strategies to implement trading decisions free from human judgement, opinions, and/or other distractions (such as news headlines which typically affect equities trading). Whereas similar funds may rely on singular systematic strategies, the WS GlobalEx family of funds seeks to achieve its objectives by employing a dynamic series of proprietary algorithms, working in unison which analyze price, capital movements, market velocity, market volume, and historical results in real-time. These technological innovations were designed to produce an immediate automated strategy to be executed only when a high probability of successful, precalculated outcomes are determined.
Are WSC and the GlobalEx family-of-funds regulated?Yes. WSC is registered with the Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) as a Commodity Pool Operator (CPO) under the Commodities Exchange Act (CEA), is a member of the National Futures Association (NFA) and maintains compliance with the British Virgin Islands Financial Services Commission (BVIFSC).
What is WSC’s capital fund structure?WSC is well represented by top tier domestic and international law firms, a big-4 auditor, and several highly respected multi-national firms in brokerage, plan administration, and corporate governance which seek to ensure WSC remains legally and financially compliant with domestic and international statutes, regulatory bodies, and all foreign and domestic tax services.
Who are best suited to participate and benefit with WSC?There are numerous parties which may benefit by participating with WSC. These include, but are not limited to qualified companies, funds, endowments, foundations, single family offices (SFOs and MFOs) and select qualified individuals from around the globe.
What criteria must be met for an individual to qualify for participation it WSC's GlobalEx funds?Purchasers will be required to make certain representations and warranties with respect to each purchaser’s status as a Qualified Client, Qualified Eligible Person and Accredited Investor status. The criterion are as follows: - A “Qualified Client” is one with a net worth, exclusive of their primary residence, in-excess-of $2,100,000 USD or has at least $1,000,000 USD invested with the Investment Manager. - A “Qualified Eligible Person” is a person whose individual net worth, or joint net worth with that person’s spouse, would qualify he or she as an Accredited Investor or a person who would qualify as an Accredited Investor. - “Accredited Investors” are generally individuals with a net worth of more than $1,000,000 USD (excluding the value of their primary residence) or who meet certain income thresholds -- an individual with income in-excess-of $200,000 USD in each of the two (2) most recent years or joint income with that person’s spouse in excess of $300,000 USD in each of those years and who has a reasonable expectation of reaching the same income level in the current year, and entities with assets in excess of $5,000,000 USD.
Why choose the WS GlobalEx Family of Funds· WSC provides a disciplined automated investment strategy designed to effectively access the world’s largest commodity market (FOREX), trading the world’s largest commodity - currency. · WSC’s active artificial intelligence and decision execution methods continuously learn and update its programming protocols allowing it to potentially achieve more consistent returns while seeking to mitigate potential risks regardless of trading conditions or volatilities. · WSC’s technology executes a strict, low-latency rules-based methodology in real time, working outside of news headlines and emotional biases to minimize potentially erroneous decisions and gain an advantage on less-systematic trading participants and platforms. · WSC utilizes superior standards of security and redundancy maintaining multiple encrypted server locations around the globe strategically located in the most secure data centers to provide increased trading and settlement proficiencies. · WSC provides a dynamic return-on-capital opportunity away from sometimes more volatile assets such as equities, bonds, real estate, and other investments. · WSC provides a robust diversification strategy for cash portfolios seeking growth opportunities away from traditionally low yielding bank products such as CDs, GICs, money market and savings accounts. · WSC appeals to a large pool of investors potentially assisting in numerous financial goals. · WSC has employed a leading world-class team under its capital fund structure
What are the terms and conditions of WSC’s WS-GlobalEx Funds?· Minimum Subscription: $500,000 USD (although exceptions can be made) · Maximum Investment: None · Subscriptions: Monthly · Withdrawals: Can be disbursed monthly after first year lock-up · Fees: Traditional 2/20 Fee Structure with 8% hurdle · Available to: Accredited Investors, Qualified Clients and Qualified Eligible Persons
What is the best way to communicate with WSC and/or get more information?The best way to begin communications regarding your potential participation in the WS GlobalEx family of funds is to complete the information requested under the "Contact Us" section. Upon completion, a WSC representative will contact you, speak with you to ensure eligibility and suitability, answer questions and further explain the necessary and required steps that must be completed toward any potential participation.
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